Meteor Monthly Update — November 2022

Kevin Tayong
Meteor Blog
Published in
5 min readDec 9, 2022



This blog post will discuss the most recent Meteor upgrades and announcements from November. This includes Meteor 2.8.1, Meteor Cloud enhancements, new Meteor resources, and more!

Can you believe it, though? We’re almost at the end of the year! Anyhow, December will bring several exciting initiatives, but first, let’s review the month of November.

November 2022

Here is a summary of Meteor’s highlights in November. We worked diligently to bring you new Meteor features and improvements. Let’s begin, shall we?

Meteor 2.8.1

We have a new patch release which is now available and recommended.

This version includes a few highlights, such as Node v14.21.1 upgrade, MongoDB driver 4.11, added types to the core, modernized tools/run-updater.js, and many more.

If you want to learn all the technical details, read this blog post by Gabriel Grubba, or you can also check out the changelog.

With that being said, we’d also like to mention a special thank you to the following contributors:

As we continue to develop and enhance Meteor, we value your support.

Meteor Cloud Changelog & IPv6 (Europe)

We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce that Meteor Cloud now has its own changelog page and an in-app widget. You can now keep up with our announcements and ensure you are current on all matters about Meteor Cloud!

We have high hopes that this will improve how well we can communicate with our users.

Additionally, we recently published a new update regarding IPv6 (currently in beta), which is only available for the European region at this time. Customers who enable IPV6 in their apps can operate in dual-stack mode, accepting IPv4 and IPv6 client connections. If you’d like to learn more about this feature, click here.

Lastly, we highly suggest you subscribe to the Meteor Cloud changelog here, so you’ll receive updates straight to your inbox instead of manually revisiting the changelog page.

Request a New Galaxy Region

Another piece of exciting information about Meteor Cloud is that we are currently taking suggestions for new Galaxy regions! We are continually looking for new methods to improve the quality of our customer care, and as a result, we strongly encourage you to complete the form so that we can better assist you. At this time, Galaxy allows you to deploy your app to the following regions:

  • AWS us-east-1 in Virginia, USA (default region)
  • AWS eu-west-1 in Dublin, Ireland
  • AWS ap-southeast-2 in Sydney, Australia
  • AWS af-south-1 in Cape Town, Africa

Filling out this form will allow you to make a request for a new zone in the event that you do not find a region that corresponds to the location of your users. Thank you very much in advance, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns.


Fibers-free GitHub board

We created a new board on GitHub to give the community an all-encompassing view of the progress that has been made on the Fibers-free work. We feel that everyone will be able to comprehend how things are progressing thanks to this board.

Community Packages Planning & Meeting

Long-time Meteor developers Jan Dvorak and Jan Kuester have agreed to conduct monthly meetings to plan and organize community packages and other initiatives associated with Meteor. These meetings will be open to the public, and those in attendance will be encouraged to share their thoughts, concerns, questions, and amusing stories.

Meteor Toolbox v1.2.0 — Language Server

It is pleased to announce that Meteor Toolbox has received regular upgrades. In this version, v.1.2.0 supports Blaze through the Meteor Language Server. You may click this link to learn more about it from Matheus Castro.

Grubba-RPC Package

Gabriel Grubba will walk you through progressively implementing our brand new ‘grubba-rpc’ package into your existing code if you haven’t already looked at it. This package offers routines that may be used to make E2E code type-safe. To read the comprehensive tutorial, click here.

Coming Soon ⏳

As always, thank you to everyone who has continued supporting and spreading awareness about Meteor! All the essential news and updates for November have been covered. We will see you again in the next article for the December wrap-up.

Meteor 2.9 is just around the corner

We’re happy to share that Meteor 2.9 is almost ready! Below are some highlights for this new version.

  • Brand-new Scaffolding in the CLI
  • Performance upgrades related to MongoDB
  • Upgraded TypeScript version
  • Vue skeleton updated to Vue 3

There are a few more enhancements, but you’ll find out about them after we recommend v2.9. For the time being, we only ask that you wait a little longer. 🙏

New Meteor Ambassador material is on the way

We have some fantastic literary pieces coming soon from our Meteor Ambassadors. The first is “How to Integrate Stripe Payments in MeteorJS” by Juan Pablo Mejia. In this article, Juan Pablo provides a step-by-step tutorial on installing, configuring, and coding with the Stripe npm providers in a MeteorJS project.

The other piece is Scaling up a Dev-team with Confidence by Fabian Kromer. In this article, Fabian describes how he makes decisions on growing his business and why he believes MeteorJS is a key contributor in scaling the team and meeting customer needs.

A holiday gift from Meteor Software🎄

If you made it this far, we thank you for your time. And to answer your question, yes, you’ve read the title right! We are pleased to offer a festive special for Meteor users in the spirit of the holiday season. We can’t reveal too much about it right now, so you’ll just have to wait a few more days.

Let’s just say this is a once-in-a-year opportunity we want you to take advantage of! To stay on top of this announcement, ensure you’re following us on our social media pages and that you’ve signed up for our newsletter here. As they say, the early bird gets the worm!

We hope you enjoyed reading this month’s Meteor Monthly Update and hope to see you again soon. If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, please leave them in the comments area. Until next time! 👋



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